BP-200 - Subscriber reader

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Subscriber reader


Rotary ticket reader and magnetic subscriber cards for checking out.

Data sheet

Functionalities of BP-200

  • Processes tickets and plastic cards with magnetic stripe for subscribers through the same slot.

  • Networked or autonomous operation with permanent dialogue with a central industrial PC.

  • Control of the ticket at the exit as well as the control of the cards of subscribers / owners of magnetic stripe or property, with internal storage deposit

  • It opens the exit barrier if the data read is correct, deleting and canceling the tickets to avoid being reused for a second time, storing them in an internal deposit.

  • Networked or autonomous operation, with connection and dialogue with the control PC at the sentry box through RS-485 communications with a range of approximately 1,200 meters in length.

BP-200 is composed of

  • Ticket reader, subscriber/owner cards (through the same opening) in central 4-position magnetic strip and 2-position side.

  • Proximity reader with reading and writing for subscribers/owners (optional).

  • Graphic LCD display for user information, with text and dynamic graphics.

  • Intercom button for user help.

  • Electronic machine control node with 16 opto isolated inputs, plus 4 relay outputs, with Hitachi microcontroller and non-volatile memory to save events in autonomous work.

  • Galvanized steel casing protected by amorphous and passivated phosphate treatment (a kind of zinc plating) with final Ral-5002 coffered polyester paint.